Sunday, June 12, 2011


Why do people complain about their parents/life so damn much. It's a little ridiculous how many times I will get on Facebook to see a post saying, "Gah, my parents actually make me DO shit. What the hell?" or "Omg, my life sucks so much, my toaster broke so I can't eat Poptarts for a whole week. FML!!! /wrist".

Cut that shit out.

1. Your Parents
There is only one reason that you are on this Earth, your parents got tired of doing shit themselves. And the broken condom...
Seeing as this is the 21st century, they missed slavery by about...150 years. So, what can they do? It isn't like there is an alternative to slavery at the moment. Except...children.

Once the 22nd century comes around, children will cease to exist. Future generations will thank us

So, your parents decide to have you. For the first ~8 years of your life, they forget the reason that you were created. They nurture you and laugh at your stupidity. In an ironic twist, THEY tend to YOUR every need. Then, a switch activates. They looked at themselves in the mirror one day, distraught and tired, and said,"Why the hell are WE doing this shit?"

Thus, the chores piled up. Taking out the trash, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, all these these are now your tasks. This is the only reason that you are here. This is why you were made.
Not pictured: Why you were made.

So, the next time your parents tell you to get off your ass and do something, just do it without complaining about it to all your friends on facebook. There's a reason you're here, and sitting on your ass isn't it.

Look at it this way, one day you'll have kids of your own and can do it to them!*

*Assuming you get married. Bitch. 

2. Your life doesn't suck. 
"WHAT!" you might say," Of COURSE it does, do you imagine all the stuff I go through in a day?! I have to get up and go to school, then actually do WORK at that school, what the hell? Then I get home to my parents telling me I can't do X with Y because of Z! I didn't even do anything!! On top of it all, my toaster is broken again, so I can't enjoy my poptarts!!!"

First off-Screw Poptarts. 

Just forget the fact that they never give you enough frosting...

No, your life doesn't suck. That is an everyday routine for a teenager, GET OVER IT! The fact that you can tell everyone just how bad your life sucks over facebook or text message is just testament to that. Life has its bumps in the road, sure. Just stop being over-dramatic.

Also, yes you did do something. Your parents heard you and Y did T at C's house. They know that shit. 

3. Stop being so over dramatic.  "I'm not over dramatic! All of this actually happens like I tell it!"

Fuck you.

Everyone tries to bend facts so that they are in their favor. It is just the way the world is. To compensate, people beef up their stories. Making this :
"My mom made me take out the trash once a week for $10."
turn into:
"Ohhhh Emmmm Geeee, mom is making me take out the trash AGAIN. Gah, she gives me like a dollar a week for this crap. I don't have to take this! I can leave whenever I want!!!"

Pictured: Why you can't leave when you damn well please...yet...

People want sympathy/attention so they make it sound like a simple task is venturing through a shark infested water with barbed wire tied around you and ninjas watching your every move waiting to attack and destroy you.

Damn, no image for that one...
IN CONCLUSION: Your life doesn't suck, your parents have every right to make you their slave, and Toaster Strudels are better than poptarts. All in a days work. Now for a random image.



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Joining the crowd.

As it seems, there aren't many people without blogs nowadays. I figured I should jump on the bandwagon while it's still rolling along. It feels like a freedom, I can express opinions and views without the need for (most) censorship. Kind of relaxing really.